

In this first step we explore the needs of your company and we determine the strategy and goals we want to achieve together.


Identifying the most suitable distribution channels for your service or product. Mapping of geographical elements that are important for the choice of distributor. Determining the number of desired distributors per region or per channel. The choice between stock-keeping distributors or drop-shipments from your country. We can also offer advice about distributor pricing strategy.

Search parameters

Based on the outcome of the above, we determine the parameters and goals for a distributor search program.

Tradeshow visit or participation

We offer the possibility to visit French tradeshows together as part of the search. Upon request we can also organize a small-scale tradeshow participation in order to meet with prospects.


After completion of this step, a shortlist of potential distributor candidates is available from which we can make a final choice.

Go to step 2: Negotiation >>

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